Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Morning After

Pictures from the morning after our big snow. I took these all from the safety of the house (good thing my windows are relatively clean). No getting out on the roads today, not even our papers were delivered this morning. We are enjoying our coffee and fuzzy slippers, but soon we're going to bundle up and head out there. James is threatening to teach me how to build a snowman. If we do, I'll take more photos.

These are for my dad to enjoy, as my parents and their friends are leaving the sunny shores of Florida tomorrow and heading this direction for a week of relaxing. He said he is hoping for snow. I'm not sure where they're going, but if it's anywhere up this way, I think they will get it. We are supposed to get more starting on Sunday afternoon and lasting until Monday morning. That will suck, for those of us heading off to work, and for our company trucks out trying to make deliveries (to customers who will ultimately be closed once they arrive).

I know the folks up North are used to this, but for down here in the South, it's a once a year occurrence and it just mucks everything up. sure is pretty twinkling in the sunlight.

1 comment:

  1. That is really beautiful, where is the snowman? Im wish we were there it just takes my breath away. By the looks of the deer track your corn feeder must be froze. Take care and we will see you soon.
