Sunday, October 4, 2009

Taking The Checkered Flag

Today James started painting the bland, plain garage walls (above). I helped just for a little bit, using a brush to do all the cutting in around the windows and door, but that was all for my contribution today. I know we've got lots of days ahead of us yet, before our current garage will look like this (below). That's our old garage back in South Carolina, and James and I painted it white and black, like a NASCAR checkered flag. James decorated it with all his Tony Stewart memorabilia, including a life-sized Fathead of TS. We're going to do the same pattern on the current garage, which is much smaller and thankfully just has four simple, straight walls- no bump outs like below. We may turn the pattern on its side and paint squares instead of diamonds, I'm not sure if James has decided yet. But, when he's finished, the garage here in Newnan will make any race fan proud.

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